The hype about this band has been growing and growing since the start of the year, and after getting hold of the album i can see why. I think this has single-handedly restored my faith in indie electronica music after La Roux gave it a serious battering i didn't think i could listen to another synth track again. Its refreshing to know that the future of electo-indie doesn't lie in the hands of an out of tune girl with a bad hair cut (although 'The Big Pink's haircuts do leave something to be desired). Anyway enough La Roux dissing. This track is my favourite off the album, it has such a strong atmosphere about it and achieves an 'Animal Collective'-esque calm before a storm feel about it. Be warned though it was so good i think i hurt my ears by turning it up so loud. Listen to the track below and if you like it throw out that La Roux and replace it with some real bad hair cut electro-indie.
Velvet - The Big Pink