The UK supergroup are back with their album 'The Resistance' which is released on the 14th of September, so i thought what better time than to give you some musings on muse. After listening to the new album i have picked out a couple of tracks which are truly museworthy. The second track on the album 'Resistance' is fast paced Muse at their best, with an epic opening that sets the heart racing more than the casualty opening credits and the belting chorus of Matt screaming out 'Love is our resistance' in a slight cliched but entirely heartfelt manner, this is definitely one of the better tracks on the album. Perhaps the most bizarre track has to be 'United States of Eurasia (+ Collateral Damage)' which starts off with a piano rendition similar to Muse's 'Butterflies and Hurricanes' the drums quickly kick in and suddenly Freddie Mercury and co. seemed to have creeped into the recording studio however this doesn't last long it now moves into an epic middle eastern sounding string, drum and piano score. After the craze of the first 2 minutes classic Muse is back with the song building up to a somewhat over the top chant of 'EURASIA'. This bizarrely beautiful song doesn't finish there though there is still time for Chopin's Nocturne In E-Flat Major, Op.9 No.2 to complete the outro which i am guessing counts as the (+Collateral Damage) part of the track. So far muse haven't produced a bad album and this is no exception, its no classic but it is very epic...scratch that extremely epic and could easily be a fan favourite, it will keep classic muse fans satisfied with guitar solos aplenty on tracks such as 'MK Ultra' and 'Unnatural Selection' but will also keep muse newbies enthralled. Listen to my two track selection below.
Resistance - Muse
United States of Eurasia (+ Collateral Damage) - Muse
for the classical lover
Nocturne In E-Flat Major, Op.9 No.2 - Fryderyk Chopin
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